Why Queue...again? |
sit down and enjoy the music. |
Exam Week
finally, a chance to update on the exams. 25th Sat - geisha, samurai as self or other @ Eusoff Hall haha. knew i will screw myself on this one, so i went to the lib and borrowed 4 books on geisha. plan: bring the books in (open book test), with references labelled, well sort of.. ok, one essay question, one choose two.. geisha and samurai, forgot all my samurai so chose geisha crapped. never knew i can crap so much until my pen ran out of ink. ha. anyway. discovered i got 29/45 for continual assessment so can probably heck care this paper. I S/Ued!! MUHAHAHHA met cons and yeelian for coffee afterthat, ended up being so seh. haha. stupid. 27th Sat - pharm law @ that place, S13/05/01-07. AGAIN. i hate this place. i sat for the anatomy and physiology exams here. both needed a hell lot of memorization. well pharm law isn't much different, either. great smoking session. no mcqs, write your heart out man... 12 short 2 long qns. i screwed up on section (C) but the rest were quite ok i think.. had to be.. i spent four freaking days, continous, on this pharm law man, neglecting all my other subjects!! can memorize some parts of the law on 27th Sat, 1:00pm. after vomitting it all out, i felt so much better. it's like a person high on alcohol, u feel like shit after drinking your fill of liquor, bloated and with a hell lot of lipophilic stuff inside your stomach etc, mixed with the food taken (chyme), then when u puke it all out it feels like "woooooooooooaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh". finally, man. pharm law is over. to think that two to three weeks ago, i was still wondering how the hell do i tackle this subject. zero confidence, zero progress. i'm glad i made it. tactic: brute force. yeah. imagine making mindmaps and reciting out the contents of the mindmaps until you get it right. 28th Sat - principles of econs @ MPSH 2B one thing - easier than i thought. all papers after pharm law were thought to be something like "guerrilla warfare" - it is really SO HARD to switch from pharm law mode to econs mode. nothing makes sense. nothing comes to mind automatically. yes, even one hour before the paper, i was still completely dumbfounded by jason and ch's chain of events leading to inflation. beginning to wonder, will i forfeit my A cos i didn't study. damn. thank god, connie chong saved me once again. saved all of us. but still, i gave her a lousy assessment during the online-ranking of teachers. HAHA. guess she deserved it anyway. the paper was DARN EASY, there were dudes which finished an entire hour before the test. and strided off happily. but still, not much to rejoice about, the curve will be extremely skewed towards the right that's all. nothing much to say hence about this exam. i think it was pretty good a lesson on economics. BECAUSE, those economists are still arguing about the truthfullness of their laws. can't make up their minds, even about the most fundamental of theories. what with Keynesian and classical schools of thought, makes me so confused. (ok, in a word of fairness, i must admit, scientists can't make up their minds also, and the laws of Newton are also debunked by Einstein. but hey, not everyone's Einstein. ha.) oh yar the stupid econs lecturers, same problem as the exam for microeconomics during the sem, can't count for nuts the exam papers, esp the shading forms. stupid. we have six people there still can't count for nuts. in the end left the whole lecture theatre stranded there for an entire 30 minutes. while they count the papers, look exasperated, and in their desperation, try and control the crowd (i guess about 50-70 people) who wanted to go to toilet. these lecturers never learn. 29th Sat - dosage form design I - that same place again (yes. S13/05/01-07). i really hate this place. brings back really bad memories of meeting essay questions with mouth WIDE OPEN. i know i'm gonna screw this paper. obviously haven't revised enough. hoping my continual assessment will see me through to an acceptable grade. not that it's very fantastic though (well at least i think i did quite well for the CAs). 50 mcqs, 3 essays, choose 2. mcqs were ok, but not so straightforward as econs (econs: 45 mcqs in 2h). anyway, i spotted topics this time round, so can't complain. glimpsed transdermal and suppositories only, hoping that the spirit that accompanied me during the 2 CAs is still there. Ha. failed me sometimes but nevertheless. some questions i totally dunno. some were darn tricky. and i still dunno why quilaja saponins forms w/o emulsions, i tot it forms o/w. and divalent bases form w/o, not o/w. damn. i put "A" for that one. anyway, the essays killed me, haha. died tragically. poor time management. spend so much time happily writing on the essay about viscosity and rheology cos i remembered EVERYTHING!! haha. proud. but took 40min to get it all down. so left like 20min to figure out the other one which was like.. HUH? managed to salvage parts (a) and (d), about 11 of 25 marks. at this time i was stricken with that debilitating aura again. told myself, i had to stop. it got so bad that i'm sure the next attempt to recall anything would trigger off a seizure. was panicking real badly and bladder was calling for release, which added on to the tension and stress produced during the exam. and since i'm in time trouble, i can't go to the washroom either... and it's 15 min before the end of the exam! so, teeth chattering, hands shaking, world in a blur, face probably flushed, with a horrible feeling down there, i raised my hands and asked to go to the toilet. think probably prof chan was a bit irritated cos at this point they don't allow anyone to go out 15 minutes before stop time, but i told her it was an emergency. but it worked, i came back and felt much better, managed to crap some answer for part (d) and a mark or two for part (b), although my secondary processing cortices were probably full of charges. can't think at all - if i did, it will spread to my primary cortices and probably about 120 people will have something to see. meiqi (person sitting behind me) will get a shock. 30th sat - pharmstats @ Kent Ridge Hall 80 mcqs, unknown number of structured questions. set by a maniacial lecturer who isn't even sure of his stuff. haven't started revision. muz not be complacent. another A awaits!!
Dispense-A-Dream '07
Holiday plans
ok, while i take a break from pharm law (exam is 04 days later) and let me arrange my schedule for the hols: 23th Nov, 9PM: slacking here and typing this rubbish instead of revising pharm law. 25th, 9AM: Exam: Samurai, Geisha and Yakuza as Self or Other 27th, 1PM: Exam: Pharmacy Law 28th, 1PM: Exam: Principles of Economics 29th, 1PM: Exam: Dosage Form Design I 30th, 5PM: Exam: Pharmacostatistics Last paper (Pharmstats). Hopefully can go out after the paper with someone who's not feeling too depressed. Ha. otherwise i'll hog cons and yeelian since these two are the only ones i know that have finished their papers. muz get yeelian before she flies off somewhere else. HAHA 1st Dec: Borrow camera from Dispensing Lab for emed. meet up with bhbh2 team leader, meishan whos gonna off backpacking to india. 25d. Woo~ 2nd : Meet up with seng and leo (hopefully?? O.o) after airport send-off. Watch movie, talk cock, sing song, whatever. Maybe i'll drop by wang's if he's not too stoned after exams. ha. 3rd-4th : (nothing) 5th-7th : Children's Society Camp. Publicity Head. 8th : Go airport again. 9th-10th : (nothing), maybe get ready for ppac pharmacy camp's dry run. 11th : dry run for ppac pharmacy camp. 12th : (nothing) 13th-15th : ppac pharmacy camp, stayover at PGP. woo~ how cool is that? 16th-18th : (nothing) 19th-23th : out of the country. can't go for yuantai's kayaking trip. well, next time~ 24th: (nothing) 25th: Christmas!! 26th-31th: (nothing) 1st Jan: check results. Things i wanna do: Organise pharm YEP trip meetings Make my MTV!! haha if possible first lol Swim Cycle JOG! exercise! lose all that trans fat =( Watch movies. Zuobo for one day (well, alot of chance to...) Meet up with all the people i didn't have chance to Make sushi Eat sushi Go beach Sing kbox Go and walk walk Learn first aid course (?) Haha. dunno what else liao.
Dispense-A-Dream '07
Dispense-A-Dream '07
NJC Mass Dance 2006
Hey isn't this the dance brenda's group performed in phil?? HAHA where the heck is this room?
Dispense-A-Dream '07
Do we have a problem
Dispense-A-Dream '07
Things you CAN'T do when you're NOT in a pool
damn lol. haha. now everyone knows why people suddenly go to one side of the pool and a while later, back again.
Dispense-A-Dream '07
Scorpions Wind of Change
Dispense-A-Dream '07
The Final Countdown
Dispense-A-Dream '07
Love chooses you
Got this from cons and jw; it's beautiful. The Mysterious Thing Called "LOVE" If you find yourself in love with someone who does not love you, be gentle with yourself. There is nothing wrong with you. Love just didn't choose to rest in the other person's heart. If you find someone else in love with you and you don't love him/her, feel honored that love came and called at your door, but gently refuse the gift you cannot return. Do not take advantage; do not cause pain. If you fall in love with another, and he/she falls in love with you,and then love chooses to leave, do not try to reclaim it or to assess blame; let it go. There is a reason and there is a meaning. You will know in time. Remember that you don't choose love.Love chooses you. All you can really do is accept it for all its mystery when it comes into your life. Feel the way it fills you to overflowing, then reach out and give it away. Give it back to the person who brought it alive in you. Give it to others who deem it poor in spirit. Give it to the world around you in anyway you can. This is where many lovers go wrong. Having been so long without love, they understand love only as a need. They see their hearts as empty places that will be filled by love, and they begin to look at love as something that flows to them rather than from them. The first blush of new love is filled to overflowing, but as their love cools, they revert to seeing their love as a need. They cease to be someone who generates love and instead become someone who seeks love. They forget that the secret of love is that it is a gift, and that it can be made to grow only by giving it away. Remember this, and keep it to your heart. Love has its own time, its own seasons, and its own reason for coming and going. You cannot bribe or coerce it, or reason it into staying. You can only embrace it when it arrives and give it away when it comes to you. But if it chooses to leave from your heart or from the heart of your lover,there is nothing you can do and there is nothing you should do. Love has always been and always will be a mystery. Be glad that it came to live for a moment in your life. --- Was talking to one of my previous-hall friends and we discussed the idea of having a status. Is having a status really necessary for a relationship? If you love someone, does it mean you need to have a "changed status"? Extremely interesting question. Conclusion: some may need, others may not. Mostly need. But i think, it may not be necessary.. as long as two people (of opposite sex) willingly go out together and enjoy the time spent together? Her rebuttal: but you can do that with a close friend.. and she has done it. many other people go out with close friends of the opposite sex. alone. ok maybe i don't haha. Hmm, what about when a couple does the "stuff that couples do", i.e. "you know what i'm talking about (legally)". hmm yar maybe, she said. So, does having a status, i.e. "stead", "girlfriend-boyfriend", "partner", empower both sides to certain things they can do, that without the status, they can't do to each other? But maybe... isn't all these things superficial? Maybe, maybe not. *** To me: girls are an interesting, unexplainable and completely enigmatic entity that makes up roughly 3 billion. Up till now, i think no guy has ever completely understood them. Guys act like commandos when it comes to shopping: they locate the target beforehand, plan their route, move in swiftly and with precision, fulfill the mission objectives, and evacuate, before you can say "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis". Girls will clear the entire shopping building, trading fire from shop to shop with sales staff, bargaining, and securing at least 3 perimeter zones before getting to the objective. And that takes 5hours. haha ok enough digging at the poor girls.. we all need to study during study week haha back to books Ha~ now.. don't go and bleed my wallet. lol
Dispense-A-Dream '07
Rainbow connection
Dispense-A-Dream '07
The disgusting, horrible truth.
Class of 2009 who took PR2103 pharmacostastistics with me, please refer to ANOVA, notes on Scheffe's and Tukey's tests (page 17-18 of Lecture notes 10) and this: http://www.richland.edu/james/lecture/m170/ch13-dif.html deja vu, eh? looks exactly the same. how did i come upon this? google it. first entry somemore. probably our dear prof must've thought he is damn lucky and clicked on the "i feel lucky" button. Sem 3: has been another insight into the workings of NUS lecturers. For every lecture we sit in, roughly $50 ++ is paid. Econs is another stupid module, EC1301, Principles of Econs. For this sem anyway. The lecturer copies wholesale notes, diagrams from a textbook that we were "recommended to buy", even got that salesman down to promote his book. damn, i bought, and found out that notes and diagrams were the same. and there's no alternative textbook. sienz. Back to stats. Thing is, i'm ok with plagarizing, as long as the lecturer gives a detailed out-of-the-book explanation, worth my money, and worth my goddamn eight am mornings twice a week. You think he does? NO~~! he doesn't even go through his lecture notes, his lecture notes are cut and pasted like a kidnapper's ransom (from all kinds of sources that it's not coherent at all), the language is lame with lame jokes, obviously taken from an (American) beginner's stats textbook. worse still, cos he doesn't go through his lecture notes, he doesn't even notice the many mistakes that the author kindly included. maybe to snag lazy lecturers like him. there was this entire question that we, the audience, had to kindly correct it for him cos one of the values was wrong and we corrected it from proportion, standard deviation, test statistic, critical value, 95% CI... even made a mistake about the conclusion. when asked about this mistake, he said "oh! the guy who did it must have made a mistake!" yar. so wtf were you doing, u goddamn-time-waster-of-mine. make me wake up every monday and thursday morning extra early to go for your lectures. shall find more things to complain next time. damn. all this for that piece of paper.
Dispense-A-Dream '07
21 years and 363 days old
haven't blogged for a long time. think previously in the past two weeks i was having a bad period with stuff.. then came the one-week flu of which i received numerous get-well comments (ok, maybe just a few), yup. now READING WEEK. read, read, read. fine. Today had quite a nice surprise. One of the days which i actually had school (i'm having two-day weeks now like the arts people). Last lecture on DFD - any queries ? and last lecture on POE - Principles of economics (not polyoxyethylene sorbitan esters). Rushing up the last remmants of the $t@t$ project too. anyway, before we left for econs, the guys got me this nice t-shirt that said "MUST THRIVE". haha. am i really so stressed like what they said in the card? don't care. plus the nice denim jacket they gave me for the 21st, they make up two nice pieces of clothing in wardrobe. (and also the green nautica t-shirt by my OG, ie Candice, huilins, muifong, etc) they got me this nice card which states "wish some girl will pop out of the birthday cake?" lolz. i wish. it's a year passed in about 24 hours, and about 7 more days of intense mugging. what a way to celebrate a birthday. lolz. well better than celebrating it on the day of the physical pharm paper itself, like last year. a junior smsed me complaining about how hard it is to study for physical pharm paper. (to us it was quite a breeze cos of that nice..? prof ho) well, i'd thought of telling her hey next year it's gonna be more shitty when u study for pharm law lol. AND pharmacology AND physical pharm PLUS lsm. but told her something like "a man who succeeds is a man who thinks he can", so better follow that mantra for the next 1/52 and stop looking like the earth's gonna fall on the sun. (or whatever) rem david tao had this song, simply titled "22": mp3: http://mp3.baidu.com/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&f=1&word=%B6%FE%CA%AE%B6%FE lyrics: http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3lyric&ct=150994944&lf=2&rn=10&word=%B6%FE%CA%AE%B6%FE&lm=-1 the chorus goes like this (translated): this year on the 6th of the 3rd month he will be 22; having just thrown away all the textbooks, and left home to see the world but he discovers that there are alot of problems to be faced oh yeah he often thinks of going back to that year when he was 12; only has to go to school, life is simple and worry less he's like a flower without blossom, full of hope heard this song once while idiling in the army and said, "hey, damn, in 2 years time i'll be reaching 22!" how true. lolz
Dispense-A-Dream '07
刘德华 + 吴宗宪 + 柯受良 - 笨小孩
Dispense-A-Dream '07
Got this from jw who got it from somebody else. Frighteningly accurate, i would say. 1. Guys hate suts. 2. "Hey, are you busy?" or "Are you doing something?" ~ two phrases guys open with to stop from stammering on the phone. 3. Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about. 4. Before they call, guys try to plan out a little about what they're gonna say so there aren't awkward pauses, but once he's on the phone he forgets it all and makes it up as he goes. 5. Guys go crazy over a girl's smile. 6. Guys will do anything just to get you to notice him. 7. Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend or ex love-interest. Unless they're goin for the let-her-complain-to-you-and-then-have-her-realize-how-wonderful-and-nice-you-are method. 8. A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to. 9. Boyfriends need to be reassured often that they're still loved. 10. Don't talk about your guy friends to your boyfriend. 11. Guys get jealous easily. 12. Guys are more emotional than they'd like people to think. 13. Giving a guy a hanging message like "You know what?!..uh...nevermind.." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. And he'll assume he did something wrong and he'll obsess about it trying to figure it out. 14. Guys are good flatterers when courting but they usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like. 15. Guys hate asking parents for money to buy girls presents. So they come up with ideas like saving their lunch money for a week. But it never works because guys are always hungry so they end up asking the parents for money anyway. 16. Girls are guys' weaknesses. 17. Guys are very open about themselves. 18. It's good to test a guy first before you trust him. But don't let him wait too long. 19. Your best friend, whom your boyfriend seeks help from about his problems with you may end up being admired by your boyfriend. uh oh 20. If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice. 21. A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you. 22. Guys love you more than you love them if they are serious in your relationships. 23. Guys will brag about anything. 24. Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. We rarely use beautiful. If a guy uses that, he likes you. 25. Guys think WAY too much. One small thing a girl does, even if she doesn't notice it can make the guy think about it for hours, trying to figure out what it meant. 26. Guys seek for advice from girls not other guys. Because most guys think alike, so if one guy's confused, then we're all confused. 27. Any guy could write out a rulebook or advice book for flirting, but no guy can write out a book about relationships. 28. Try to be as straightforward as possible. 29. A guy has to experience rejection, because if he's too-good-never-been-busted, never been in love and hurt, he won't be mature and grown up. 30. If the guy does something stupid in front of the girl, he will think about it for the next couple days or until the next time he spends time with the girl. 31. No matter how much guys talk about asses and boobs, personality is key. 32. Guys learn from experience not from the romance books that girls read and take as their basis of experience. 33. Guys worry about the thin line between being compassionate and being whipped. 34. If a guy looks unusually calm and laid back, he's probably faking it and is spazzing inside. 35. When a guy says he is going crazy about the girl, he really is. Guys rarely say that. 36. When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, "Please come and listen to me." 37. Guys don't really have final decisions. 38. If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him. It doesn't happen that often, so when it does, you know something's up. 39. If your best guy friend seems to avoid you or is never around when you're with your boyfriend, he's probably jealous and likes you (haha sad fact...) 40. When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he's definitely thinking something. 41. Guys like femininity not feebleness. 42. Guys don't like girls who punch harder than they do. 43. A guy has more problems than you can see with your naked eyes. 44. Don't be a snob. Guys can be intimidated and give up easily. 45. Everything in moderation. Put on makeup, wear perfume. Just not too much. 46. Guys talk about girls more than girls talk about guys. 47. Guys hate rejection, but they hate being led on even more. 48. Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them. 49. A guy would give his left nut to be able to read a girl's mind for a day. 50. No guy can handle all his problems by his own. He's just too stubborn to admit it 51. Not all guys are assholes. Just because ONE is a jackass doesnt mean he represents ALL of us. 52. When we say you are beautiful and we dont think u look bad....we mean it.
Dispense-A-Dream '07
Savage Garden - To The Moon And Back
Classic Secondary School.
Dispense-A-Dream '07
Jay Chou - Ju Hua Tai (Chrysanthemum Flower Bed)
Dispense-A-Dream '07
Dispense-A-Dream '07
卓文萱 曹格 - 梁山伯与茱丽ye
jingwen's recommendation. haha not bad...
Dispense-A-Dream '07
Scene from The Land Before Time
still remember?
Dispense-A-Dream '07
Topics for Sem 3
It is a shame that this had to come out only 2 weeks before exams. PR2101 - Dosage Form Design I 1) Fluid mixing 2) Viscocity and rheology 3) Solutions 4) Emulsions 5) Ointments 6) Suppositories 7) Filtration 8) Extraction 9) Centrifugation 10) Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems 11) Gels PR2102 - Pharmacy Law Three minor Acts: 1) Pharmacist Registration Act 2) Sale of Drugs Act 3) Medicines (Sale and Advertisement) Act Three major acts (essentially talking about the same thing) 4) Poisons Act and Rules 5) Misuse of Drugs Act and Regulations 6) Medicines Act 7) Code of Ethics for Pharmacists PR2103 - Pharmacostatistics 1) Everything you learnt in A level statistics 2) Everything in Chapters 1-7 not covered in A level statistics 3) Inferences from 2 samples 4) Multinomial experiments and contingency tables 5) Analysis of Variance 6) Correlation and Regression EC1301 - Principles of Economics 1) How to measure a nation's growth 2) Unemployment and inflation 3) Economy at full employment 4) Why do economies grow 5) Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply 6) Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy 7) From the Short Run to the Long Run 8) International trade and Public Policy GEK 2022 - Samurai, Geisha and Yakuza as Self or Other Open-book test... sigh.
Dispense-A-Dream '07
alone again naturally
sad song.
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Maison Ikkoku Ending theme
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Slayers(First movie ending):Midnight Blue
Midnight Blue. by Megumi Hayashibara
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Chage & Aska - On Your Mark
Dispense-A-Dream '07
CHAGE and ASKA - On Your Mark (PV)
this is THE song man... other than say yes... haha
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Meditation of a Samurai
Dispense-A-Dream '07
The 5 Languages of Love
1. Quality Time (feel loved when someone spends time with u) 2. Words of Affirmation (feel loved when someone says the barney song) 3. Gifts (feel loved when someone gives u things) 4. Acts of Service (feel loved when someone does something for u) 5. Physical Touch (feel loved when someone touches you) There's one that is preferred by each of us...
Dispense-A-Dream '07
Depression, Day 3.
Guess yesterday was the trough, means from yesterday things will look better. Till i meet another trough then... i've come to realise that a part of this entire fracas was my fault. I accept that, and i will try not to make the same mistake. To the part which i do not think that it was my fault, i will not talk about it anymore. Unless provoked. To nx, jw, louis, cons, who kept me sane via msn, thank you. To the rest of the guys and all the other people i might have wilfuly offended, i pledge my sincere apologies. This depression is a bad one. Ill-timed, to say the least. Like any depression, it is a grand cumulation of all the stress that has come to pass, but was simply brushed away. I think i have not fully recovered. Recovery will take days, even weeks, months, years. Recovery to my thoughts; recovery to the damaged relationships around me. I have only myself, my pride and my ill-judgement to blame.
Dispense-A-Dream '07
for jingwen.
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crockett's theme
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Die By Dawn
darn funny. haha
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LFO - Girl on TV
now.. a 90s mtv.
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Da Ali G Show - Dangerous Weapons
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The Best Of Borat
omg. haha.. i have found it.
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gun fight
darn funny.
Dispense-A-Dream '07
Depression, Day 2.
i can't believe this is happening. it's been two, three years since i had this kinda experience and it sucks. playing the good guy isn't fun. it's alot of shit work. sometimes i enjoyed it. others i ask myself, "hey look at those people who aren't so helpful. so friendly, so whatever. they're doing as well. no, they're doing better than me. why should i play the fool and subjugate myself to such stupid shit? today. waking up to school, suddenly became such a chore. no more anticipation of fun. it was like that day in army, when the truth dawned. suddenly, by some weird imagination of my mind, i am alone in this dark void of mine. totally alone. scary. ignored everyone today. did i feel good? no. depressed. i'm depressed, but life continues on as normal. it's just another Friday. no one really gives a damn. well thank god they're not the one getting hurt. it's a paradigm change, one day you're joking and having fun with your friends, the next day you're all alone, like an atom bomb wiped out the whole Earth's population and somehow you're the only survivor. everywhere you walk, you see only figures, but u make no attempt to talk or communicate. suddenly, you are tired of all those. neither do they make any attempt. you began to wonder, where are the people you can actually fall back on? actually trust? actually say something without meaning another? suddenly your ideals became dystopic, worthless. what has been glorified, praised, uphold, withheld, preached by yourself suddenly seems such a horrific thing, you wonder why you saw it in the first place. you don't live for your ideals any more. the whole infrastructure of ideals upon which your actions were built up on collapses. you collapse, as well. and, among the ruins.... life goes on. unhindered. everyone is rational. everyone is selfish. me included. it's time to think that way.
Dispense-A-Dream '07
"Fed" lovingly, wantonly, senselessly, unlikeingly, from all directions. and yeah, oh how i love it.
why do i like to eat so much? Can't believe that I'm the fool again And I who thought you were my friend, How was I to know? You never told me. =( in central lib now. still thinking about it. can't study now.
Dispense-A-Dream '07
Waiting For A Star To Fall - Boy Meets Girl
Waiting, however long... I don’t like waiting, I’ll wait for you... It’s so hard waiting, don’t be too long... Seems like waiting, makes me love you even more...
Dispense-A-Dream '07
NEW RADICALS - Someday We'll Know
If i could ask God just one question... "Why aren't you here with me??"
Dispense-A-Dream '07
MTVs i wanna film!!
Haha after watching all the youtube stuff i feel like filming: 1) At the beginning - Anastasia 2) Nothing's gonna stop us now - Starship 3) Mr Lonely - Akon 4) You say it best when you say nothing at all - Alison Krauss 5) Tubthumping - Chumbawamba 6) Accidently in Love - Counting Crows 7) Together in Electric Dreams - Giorgio Moroder 8) Behind Blue Eyes - Limp Biskit 9) Dreaming of you - Selena 10) Someday we'll know - New Radicals
Dispense-A-Dream '07
Mai Kuraki Tonite I feel Close to you (with Yanzi)
excellent collaboration.
Dispense-A-Dream '07
You say it best when you say nothing at all
excellent job.. from this series called DNAngel
Dispense-A-Dream '07
Gundam Wing - Just Communication
kk... this is for seng. never watched the series much cos dun really like robotic warfare but i LOVE the SONG!!! it ROCKS! guess that's why Jap anime is so much better than cartoons...
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Power Rangers
go go power rangers!
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Pokemon Theme Song
gotta catch 'em all! haha...
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dedicated to sister Jingwen.
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teenage mutant ninja turtles
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Smurfs intro 1980s
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new adventures of winnie the pooh
guess winnie the pooh is still the most popular after so long... a business tactic or a symbol of friendship?
Dispense-A-Dream '07
Captain Planet Theme
earth! fire! wind! water! heart! go planet! when your powers combine, i'm captain planet!!
Dispense-A-Dream '07
Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers intro 1
chipchipchipchipchip 'n dale....
Dispense-A-Dream '07
Care bear
Lets do the care bears countdown... 5 4 3 2 1! This song is exactly 1 min. maybe someone did it for their Science of Music project haha
Dispense-A-Dream '07
Advent Children - In My Dreams
nice techno + ff7 advent children.
Dispense-A-Dream '07
REO Speedwagon - In My Dreams
Dispense-A-Dream '07
Piano In The Dark (feat. Joe Esposito) - Brenda Russell
I LOVE this song!!! a MUST for all piano lovers. listen to the high notes played by the piano!!! love the singer's voice too.
Dispense-A-Dream '07
She's Like The Wind - Patrick Swayze
Oooooooooooh... i love this song!!! EXCELLENT melancholy saxophone bridge in the middle! watch for it.
Dispense-A-Dream '07
Kokomo (Soundtrack) - The Beach Boys
This one's for Leonard. haha.. Aruba.. Jamaica.. ooooo i wanna take ya to Bermuda...
Dispense-A-Dream '07
Ghostbusters (Soundtrack) - Ray Parker Jr
I think i wasn't born to watch this mtv yet. But i love the song and the cartoon!! hehe
Dispense-A-Dream '07 |
Chat Point Ipod ![]() The Man Name: Tan Yongqiang Birthday: 19 Nov 19XX Profession: Student (Pharmacy) Zodiac: Scorpio Email: whyqueue@hotmail.com Favourites: Songs Likes: Having fun, friends, music, dreaming Dislikes: Being lonely and wasting time Wishlist Nuannuan Genuine friends Survive pharmacy Get a nice job with a decent salary Write at least one song Film at least one MTV
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