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Exam Week
finally, a chance to update on the exams. 25th Sat - geisha, samurai as self or other @ Eusoff Hall haha. knew i will screw myself on this one, so i went to the lib and borrowed 4 books on geisha. plan: bring the books in (open book test), with references labelled, well sort of.. ok, one essay question, one choose two.. geisha and samurai, forgot all my samurai so chose geisha crapped. never knew i can crap so much until my pen ran out of ink. ha. anyway. discovered i got 29/45 for continual assessment so can probably heck care this paper. I S/Ued!! MUHAHAHHA met cons and yeelian for coffee afterthat, ended up being so seh. haha. stupid. 27th Sat - pharm law @ that place, S13/05/01-07. AGAIN. i hate this place. i sat for the anatomy and physiology exams here. both needed a hell lot of memorization. well pharm law isn't much different, either. great smoking session. no mcqs, write your heart out man... 12 short 2 long qns. i screwed up on section (C) but the rest were quite ok i think.. had to be.. i spent four freaking days, continous, on this pharm law man, neglecting all my other subjects!! can memorize some parts of the law on 27th Sat, 1:00pm. after vomitting it all out, i felt so much better. it's like a person high on alcohol, u feel like shit after drinking your fill of liquor, bloated and with a hell lot of lipophilic stuff inside your stomach etc, mixed with the food taken (chyme), then when u puke it all out it feels like "woooooooooooaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh". finally, man. pharm law is over. to think that two to three weeks ago, i was still wondering how the hell do i tackle this subject. zero confidence, zero progress. i'm glad i made it. tactic: brute force. yeah. imagine making mindmaps and reciting out the contents of the mindmaps until you get it right. 28th Sat - principles of econs @ MPSH 2B one thing - easier than i thought. all papers after pharm law were thought to be something like "guerrilla warfare" - it is really SO HARD to switch from pharm law mode to econs mode. nothing makes sense. nothing comes to mind automatically. yes, even one hour before the paper, i was still completely dumbfounded by jason and ch's chain of events leading to inflation. beginning to wonder, will i forfeit my A cos i didn't study. damn. thank god, connie chong saved me once again. saved all of us. but still, i gave her a lousy assessment during the online-ranking of teachers. HAHA. guess she deserved it anyway. the paper was DARN EASY, there were dudes which finished an entire hour before the test. and strided off happily. but still, not much to rejoice about, the curve will be extremely skewed towards the right that's all. nothing much to say hence about this exam. i think it was pretty good a lesson on economics. BECAUSE, those economists are still arguing about the truthfullness of their laws. can't make up their minds, even about the most fundamental of theories. what with Keynesian and classical schools of thought, makes me so confused. (ok, in a word of fairness, i must admit, scientists can't make up their minds also, and the laws of Newton are also debunked by Einstein. but hey, not everyone's Einstein. ha.) oh yar the stupid econs lecturers, same problem as the exam for microeconomics during the sem, can't count for nuts the exam papers, esp the shading forms. stupid. we have six people there still can't count for nuts. in the end left the whole lecture theatre stranded there for an entire 30 minutes. while they count the papers, look exasperated, and in their desperation, try and control the crowd (i guess about 50-70 people) who wanted to go to toilet. these lecturers never learn. 29th Sat - dosage form design I - that same place again (yes. S13/05/01-07). i really hate this place. brings back really bad memories of meeting essay questions with mouth WIDE OPEN. i know i'm gonna screw this paper. obviously haven't revised enough. hoping my continual assessment will see me through to an acceptable grade. not that it's very fantastic though (well at least i think i did quite well for the CAs). 50 mcqs, 3 essays, choose 2. mcqs were ok, but not so straightforward as econs (econs: 45 mcqs in 2h). anyway, i spotted topics this time round, so can't complain. glimpsed transdermal and suppositories only, hoping that the spirit that accompanied me during the 2 CAs is still there. Ha. failed me sometimes but nevertheless. some questions i totally dunno. some were darn tricky. and i still dunno why quilaja saponins forms w/o emulsions, i tot it forms o/w. and divalent bases form w/o, not o/w. damn. i put "A" for that one. anyway, the essays killed me, haha. died tragically. poor time management. spend so much time happily writing on the essay about viscosity and rheology cos i remembered EVERYTHING!! haha. proud. but took 40min to get it all down. so left like 20min to figure out the other one which was like.. HUH? managed to salvage parts (a) and (d), about 11 of 25 marks. at this time i was stricken with that debilitating aura again. told myself, i had to stop. it got so bad that i'm sure the next attempt to recall anything would trigger off a seizure. was panicking real badly and bladder was calling for release, which added on to the tension and stress produced during the exam. and since i'm in time trouble, i can't go to the washroom either... and it's 15 min before the end of the exam! so, teeth chattering, hands shaking, world in a blur, face probably flushed, with a horrible feeling down there, i raised my hands and asked to go to the toilet. think probably prof chan was a bit irritated cos at this point they don't allow anyone to go out 15 minutes before stop time, but i told her it was an emergency. but it worked, i came back and felt much better, managed to crap some answer for part (d) and a mark or two for part (b), although my secondary processing cortices were probably full of charges. can't think at all - if i did, it will spread to my primary cortices and probably about 120 people will have something to see. meiqi (person sitting behind me) will get a shock. 30th sat - pharmstats @ Kent Ridge Hall 80 mcqs, unknown number of structured questions. set by a maniacial lecturer who isn't even sure of his stuff. haven't started revision. muz not be complacent. another A awaits!!
Dispense-A-Dream '07
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