What a Poor Pharmacist Vol. 2 why live life from dream to dream, and dread the day when dreaming ends?
Why Queue...again?
sit down and enjoy the music.

Sunday, April 29, 2007


Sun: finished carbo, touched some of david woo's skin notes. i'm not memorizing much - he has too much detail.

will try to finish fats tonight if possible (hopefully)

Mon: Full force on LSM, proteins and nucleic acids.

Tues: Everything else on pharm prac + a little lsm.

Wed morning: pharm prac.

The message that never came.


Wed, 2hour break: LSM. Recap only.

Thanks cons.


"When you're close to tears remember,
some day, it'll all be over
One day we're gonna get,
so, high....."

Dispense-A-Dream '07
Live your dream!
8:35 pm

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