Why Queue...again? |
sit down and enjoy the music. |
Seems like the YEP trip is still on
After giving up on the YEP trip on friday, i'm surprised that i still have enough people for the YEP trip. All in all, a total of 23 people signed up, mostly from year 1 and year 2. at the eleventh hour, alot of year 2 gals signed up, interested as leaders. i dunno whether did they do so because they wanted it, or.. ? no one has any idea of where to go yet. guess a meeting is necessary to sort out all the doubts. there's no leader, no coleader. not many people have experience. no one knows what to expect.. sigh. now for myself, i've divided between letting these people down, or further disappointing these people after all the planning has been done and nothing works out.
Dispense-A-Dream '07
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Chat Point Ipod The Man Name: Tan Yongqiang Birthday: 19 Nov 19XX Profession: Student (Pharmacy) Zodiac: Scorpio Email: whyqueue@hotmail.com Favourites: Songs Likes: Having fun, friends, music, dreaming Dislikes: Being lonely and wasting time Wishlist Nuannuan Genuine friends Survive pharmacy Get a nice job with a decent salary Write at least one song Film at least one MTV
YouTube yaHoo~! I Vow to Lose Everything Wikipedia Pandora's Box baidu banzou Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music
Nanaca Crash!
Stick Gal Benny Edwin Mayi Xinyi Xiuting Cons Shannon fmr1gene tuck som bong Yuantai Gaddafi Yew Sen Paulene Puay Kee Christina Jeannie Jiexin Aina Recollections Part 2
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